We are hiring - Corporate Lawyer in Limassol
Our firm is seeking to recruit a semi-experienced Corporate Lawyer, to join our friendly Limassol Corporate practice, where we believe in...
Cyprus Tax Residency - 60 days stay (UPDATE)
On the 22nd of September 2017 the Cyprus Tax Commissioner issued an Interpretation Circular in relation to the issuance of tax residency...
ΚΥΠΡΟΣ - Ρύθμιση Ληξιπρόθεσμων Οφειλών μέσω της Διαδικτυακής Διόδου Ασφαλείας 'Αριάδνη'
Το Τμήμα Φορολογίας της Κύπρου ενημερώνει ότι από 01/08/2017 θα δέχεται, μέσω της Διαδικτυακής Διόδου Ασφαλείας 'Αριάδνη', αιτήματα για...
CYPRUS - Settlement of Due Tax Debts through the 'Ariadni' Gateway Portal
The Cyprus Tax Department, as from 01/08/2017 it will accept, through the 'Ariadni' Gateway Portal, requests for settling Debts,...
Cyprus Tax Residency - 60 days stay
On Friday 14 July the Parliament of Cyprus unanimously approved a bill that gives the right to an individual who spends more than 60 days...
Cyprus Companies Annual Levy 2017
All companies registered in Cyprus need to settle the Registrar of Companies' annual levy for 2017 until 30th of June 2017. The annual...
Cyprus Tax Diary 2017
End of each month Payment of PAYE deducted from the employees salary in the preceding month Payment of Special Defence Contribution...
Cyprus Tax Residency Certificates before tax year's end without first residing in Cyprus for 183
The Cyprus Tax Authorities will now issue tax residency certificates for individuals before the relevant tax year's end and the...
EU citizens obtaining Cyprus Tax Residency - THE PROCEDURE
The recent introduction of the non-domicile regime allows an individual relocating to Cyprus to have dividends and interest completely tax e
Cyprus StartUp Visa for foreign nationals of non-EU countries
Cyprus enacted an innovative scheme in order to attract foreign investments to Cyprus through a non-EU country. The scheme is aimed at...