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EU citizens obtaining Cyprus Tax Residency - THE PROCEDURE

Cyprus Tax Residency

An individual, choosing to relocate to Cyprus can minimize his tax exposure or even enjoy completely tax free income in Cyprus. The recent introduction of the non-domicile regime allows an individual relocating to Cyprus to have dividends and interest completely tax exempt. This in addition with the tax exemption on the profit from the sale of shares and the reduce income tax on salaries earned have made Cyprus an even more attractive destination.

Obtain the Registration Certificate (Yellow Slip) for EU citizens

As a first step the applicant need to obtain a Registration Certificate (Yellow Slip) in order to be able to reside and work in the Republic of Cyprus. All individuals that are not holders of a Cyprus passport need to get a Registration Certificate (Yellow Slip) from the migration department prior to their registration with Cyprus Tax Authorities as Cyprus Tax Residents. Click here for the application form and the documents required.

Become a Cyprus Tax Resident

The second step is for the EU individual to be registered with the Cyprus Tax Authorities and obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN). The individual needs to spend a period of at least 183 days in a calendar year in Cyprus (no need for consecutive period) and submit his/ her personal income tax return form (IR1).

Obtain a Tax Residency Certificate

The final step is to obtain a Tax Residency Certificate to be used with financial institutions and tax authorities of other countries. With the elapse of the 183 days stay in Cyprus the individual is eligible to apply and obtain a Tax Residence Certificate.

Obtain Non-Domicile status

After its registration as a Cyprus Tax Resident the individual is eligible to apply and obtain its Non-Domicile status.

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